26-28 June 2013, Barnaul
The XXIII Conference of numerical methods of elasticity and plasticity problems

Andreev A.N.  

A Mathematical model of the thermo-elastic Deformation laminated composite shells and plates

Development of a mathematical model that adequately describes the process of thermoelastic deformation of laminated composite shells and plates, is an urgent and challenging task of solid mechanics. Construction of equations of this model requires addressing a number of issues, namely:

      -create a methodology for determining the integrated thermal conductivity reinforced layer and build effective governing equations its thermoelastic behavior;

- The development of non-classical models of deformation of a layered shell and non-linear model of distribution of the heat flow through the thickness of the shell, allowing to take into account the transverse shear deformation, to ensure conditions of mechanical and thermal interface layers, and thermo-mechanical loading conditions on the faces of the shell;

      - Construct a closed system of differential equations and their corresponding boundary and initial conditions of the coupled problem of thermoelastic deformation of laminated composite shell .

Consideration of these issues are devoted to material in this work.

Abstracts file: Андреев .docx
Full text file: А.Н. Андреев. Статья в Вестнике АЛГУ.docx

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